Why did i choose my major?

 I, when a child wants, be an inventor of robots or something similar. Also, I liked the physical, the chemistry, the biology, much the mathematics, the computing, the design the philosophy and more branches as the exact sciences. I had made a diagram of what I wanted to know in my life and that was put in how I saw the careers and the areas of knowledge, one philosophy is the pinnacle of knowledge and mathematics, the application of philosophy to an imaginary world and hypothetical, for mathematics, physics is the application of this and engineering is the application of physics and I design the application of engineering, thinking that I had little time I decided on physics and seeing that I couldn't, I finally decided on mathematics because I couldn't power, I chose the base of the pyramid so I entered design for that reason. In a few words, this is a long way to get to do what I have always wanted to do robots. My experience when I entered the university at the beginning was very negative since at that time I was extremely shy, in the second attempt I had the same problems due to my training but when I entered design I was able to develop better because of the things that happened I stopped being so shy Even so, at the beginning it was hard because of the consequences of the things that happened before, but now I am relaxed and enjoying the race and doing what I like.


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